Over 4000 participate in NURI Sports Day 2017

 Thank you parents for being sporting and supporting us in promoting a healthy lifestyle. Over 3200 parents,1500 students and 300 nuri staff, from all 21 branches, packed Educity stadium from 7am to 11pm.

 Every students from House Dragonclaw, Pandarus, Callidor and Beowulf participated in 10 sports events to gain points for their respective houses. The competition was fierce and alas, mighty Beowulf emerged the champion, followed closely by Ravenclaw, Pandarus and Callidor. The real winners however, are the students, where every 1500 one of them participated and had fun 

Nuri is not just a pre-school. While nuri students excel in academics and education, it is also important that…

Our students are active, social, engaging, confident and accomplished individuals. We do this by organizing:

 Excursions or Mini Outings
 Sports Day & Classes
 Live performances (Public and School based)
 Public Speaking Activities & Kids Theatre
 Branch Events (Mothers Day, Childrens Day, Festivals etc)
 Monthly Educational Projects & Presentation

We seek to expose and engage our students and transform them into powerful individuals.

We call this the nuri experience.

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